Sunday, July 17, 2011

Another day gone by

 Time….Another day gone by, and it’s a little too late at night, maybe some pointless minutes after  1:00, and I still am not close to sleeping. Wrapping the shawl tighter around me I walk to the window of this 10th floor apartment. Looking outside and staring at the starry city lights I wonder how impossibly peaceful a dreary wild city can feel night, allowing myself to drown ….to feel lost in the eerily comforting silence that surrounds me like a cocoon, keeping me safe from the daunting chill (of the world) outside,I wonder how  many souls like me must be up at this hour of night. Some for work, for studying, maybe some lost in memories.

Entwined….she is now beginning to understand the phrase “standing alone in a crowd” how lonesome a person can feel even when surrounded by a crowd, the significance of that one person in your life whose presence can make the whole world feel bleak and needless. Their light that can fill up every nook every cranny, every deep dark corner of your heart, (and is lost without it…..  Loneliness gnaws) the very presence…charisma about them that can make you forget EVERY single thought, every pain.

Appalling… but this is reality! I sigh, a deep sigh and rest my hands on the icy window sill, closing my eyes I lean my forehead on the glass, very noticeable against my warm skin and oddly soothing again. Why?
And then she feels his hands, gently and slowly advance on her waist. Him? How??...she holds her breath feeling  his touch ,his caressing fingers  almost  tickling, and keeps her eyes tightly shut, afraid the moment will pass, taking him away……. again.

Magical….But, he felt so near and yet, she lifted her head off the sill, still keeping her eyes closed, and felt his warmth… her hands found his ,so he was real, shatteringly real... turning around keeping his hold she put her head to his cheeks, she finally took a breath,  he smelled the same, intoxicating. She gently let her lips brush against his neck and said “hi”.
 “Hey love” he whispered back “ missing me?”
She smiled and replied impishly “of course not!”
He looked away from her eyes, taking in the beautiful city view and grinned, she smiled looking at him. She’d achieved her purpose. Her favorite heart-melting-éclair half grin was in front of her. She laid her head on his chest and wrapped her arms around him.

Orbit…..This was her world, the orbit was in place, EVERYTHING was in place… every little worry felt like it had dissolved in the wonderful warmth between them. Like slow swirling droplets of ink, every agonizing thought that was stealing her sleep (her beauty sleep! ;) had dissolved, well… at least for some time. This was her moment, their moment. Lost in his heartbeat, his warmth, his very presence she wondered if there was something called true happiness, this was it.
I lifted my head off the window sill. Smiling I opened my eyes, and looked at the shining city lights. Unwrapping my hands out of my self-hug, and I drew a little smiley on the moisture on the window’s glass. ……
Walking to her bed she blows out a goodnight kiss for her love imagining how peaceful he must be looking as he slept, hundreds of miles away and yet so close, close to her heart. Laying her head on the pillow and curling up on her side with her quilt, her hand reaches up to touch her pendent, a heart. Wondering how amazing it is, the thousand miles, the distance didn’t really matter; he still could make her smile, really smile, believe …and feel the same happiness, the same bliss of their magical love that was growing stronger each passing day.  
Ps:  Sihaya and I…miss you lots!:)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Of memories and hope

As I type this, it is exactly one year, four months and twenty eight days since my life took a turn for the better, on that quiet, unsuspecting evening that was the beginning of a beautiful, brilliant and thrilling new chapter in my life, a chapter that lasted for one year, four months and twenty days by our calendar year, and many lifetimes by my heart.

Who knew that one little evening could lead to so much? But then again, most big things are but a sum of many smaller ones, and till date I am, and will always be, thankful for those little things we said or did, those little twists of fate that led to that whirlwind of romance, the magic of us. Was it the little ‘how’s your day been?’ ‘s, those conversation starters that I’d resort to almost every single tome at first? Or was it those little smiles we’d exchange on the silliest of things? Or maybe it was the way we’d just start off with our little talks and shoot off wildly along some tangent, pursuing and helping along each other’s imaginary scenes, creating such crazy acts and scenarios, all with a straight face until we couldn’t help it anymore and would break down into laughter.

But guessing at the reason is beside the point. The thing is, the how, the when, the why… they don’t matter. What matters is that we spent five hundred amazing days together, five hundred B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L days, days that we’ll never forget.


Now I’ll divert off on a tangent for a bit. Five HUNDRED days EXACTLY! I still can’t believe it! But then again, maybe we can take that as some sort of assurance, as maybe a sign of more good time to come ahead. Oh, and don’t forget the coincidence, we met on 5th February and were together this time for five hundred days. Probably when we meet up again, we’ll be together for another five, hundred lifetimes hopefully. ;-) J

And now, back to the main topic.

And now has come the hard part. College years lie ahead of us, the new stage of life where we all have to grow up; which we will, maybe slowly, but surely; and we won’t be with each other in person for the days of this stage. But we still have our phones, and skype, and most of all, we have our memories. Whenever things get tough, I’ll remember the ‘good old days’, and when things get bad, I know she’ll be there, just a call away, and I just want to let her know, that I’ll be there for her too, just a call away.

Now as I prepare to step into the ‘big bad’ world, I just want to tell her this, “Even as I prepare for this new stage in life, as I try and prepare for the strange new places I’m headed for, I know that no matter what happens, I had a wonderful, amazing time with you, and I have beautiful memories to make me smile whenever I’m feeling low.
                                “But most importantly… I know that there’s more to come”

Te Valde Amo,
Sonakshi, mi Sihaya

Saturday, March 12, 2011

I love you

I love it when you look at me and smile,
I love when you ask me, to stop staring for a while.
I love it when you ask, me in the middle of the night;
To tell you something, anything that comes to mind.
I love it when you as me "what?",
When i look at you (even though my mind is devoid of thought).
I love it when you trust and share things with me,
I understand and love you, even when you refuse to let me see.
Whats going on in your head,
What you're thinking, lying in bed.
I love it when you hug me, or hold my hand,
I love even when you say stuff that i don't understand,
In fact i love just about everything you do,
Why so my love? ... Well its 'cause I love you.

And i love you for who you are,
For everything you do
For everything you share,
And even all that you don't.
For your mid-night tell-me-somethings,
And demands for new questions,
For your dismissive "heh" 's,
For your secretive smiles,
For your shy and nervous glances,
For caring for me,
For being you,
Yes that's why m,y love... I LOVE YOU

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I want you....

I want to be your companion, and walk hand in hand,
Your strength enveloping mine, through rains and sunshine.

I want to be your confidant, as you pen your deepest thoughts,
I want to be the gentle softness, that induces your trust,
I want to share your bed, as you traverse places, spending sleepless nights,
I want to be there when breathless you are, witnessing splendid sights,
I want to be your lover, forever and ever ,and  stay like that ,till the sky falls over,*
I want to be your best friend, share stupid jokes and continue to chatter nonstop,
I want to be around, when bound in chains you are, and help you break free,
I want to be your partner, witness autumn leaves falling, feel the breeze caress,
I want to be your love,  hold you close in my arms, spend nights not finished by dark, 
I want to smile as you smile, and giggle with you at nothing at all,

No t’is no secret my love, and to put it very simply…….
I want you.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Soon it’d come ,our time to part,
To walk different ways, into a new start,
New roads to discover, into the world so rough,
With an unknown trail, without you, it will be tough.
But never… no matter, how far we be,
Our love will live ,so the world would see;
Our words will echo, to anyone who would seek;
For Our love will speak,
It would speak with the winds, in rustling of leaves,
The bubbling brooks, and whispering trees…..;
forever… no matter, how far we be,
Our love will live , so the world would see;

Our smiles and laughs, the togetherness in our hearts ,
It would show , even when we are apart ,
In the breathtaking sunsets , in the starry nights,
In the bracing first showers and the Twilight times ;
forever… no matter, how far we be,
Our love will live ,so the world would see;

Undertaking the journey full of strife, fighting together till the last,
It’ll show , like the distant memories of past,
In the perilous stormy days, in the deepest dark nights,
But at the end of the tunnel there shall always be light;
forever… no matter, how far we be,
Our love will live , so the world would see;

The pain we went through, and tears we shed,
Learnt lessons of life, held hands and we walked ahead,
Our breaths would cease , but the love will go on,
For its true,its everywhere, the whole world it’ll adorn;
And  forever… no matter, how far we be,
Our love will live ,so the world would see.


Friday, February 4, 2011


Just to let you know... you're not alone... you're not facing it on your own. All that's happening and that that has... it wasn't only You or only I who got through each hurdle, whatever we overcame, it was together... not you, not me, WE overcame all that, and WE WILL overcome this, so just hold on to me, as i'm holding on to you....     so here goes:

Times are changing,
And harsh winter winds blow,
Things still in the making,
Facing a deluge of snow...
Frost seeping in,
Through cracks in the door,
A chill spreading out,
All across the floor.
And it feels like it can't worsen anymore

But listen to me, as i say this...
That i want you know,

Together we can face this storm,
Its not the end yet, we're not yet done,
Just hold on to me as i do to you,
And together we're gonnna get through;

This storm's gonna blow over soon,
So just stay with me, as stay i with you,
We're gonna last this night, together You and I,
And tomorrow we're gonna greet the bright morning sky,

Together we will survive,
Our love will survive...