Sunday, July 3, 2011

Of memories and hope

As I type this, it is exactly one year, four months and twenty eight days since my life took a turn for the better, on that quiet, unsuspecting evening that was the beginning of a beautiful, brilliant and thrilling new chapter in my life, a chapter that lasted for one year, four months and twenty days by our calendar year, and many lifetimes by my heart.

Who knew that one little evening could lead to so much? But then again, most big things are but a sum of many smaller ones, and till date I am, and will always be, thankful for those little things we said or did, those little twists of fate that led to that whirlwind of romance, the magic of us. Was it the little ‘how’s your day been?’ ‘s, those conversation starters that I’d resort to almost every single tome at first? Or was it those little smiles we’d exchange on the silliest of things? Or maybe it was the way we’d just start off with our little talks and shoot off wildly along some tangent, pursuing and helping along each other’s imaginary scenes, creating such crazy acts and scenarios, all with a straight face until we couldn’t help it anymore and would break down into laughter.

But guessing at the reason is beside the point. The thing is, the how, the when, the why… they don’t matter. What matters is that we spent five hundred amazing days together, five hundred B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L days, days that we’ll never forget.


Now I’ll divert off on a tangent for a bit. Five HUNDRED days EXACTLY! I still can’t believe it! But then again, maybe we can take that as some sort of assurance, as maybe a sign of more good time to come ahead. Oh, and don’t forget the coincidence, we met on 5th February and were together this time for five hundred days. Probably when we meet up again, we’ll be together for another five, hundred lifetimes hopefully. ;-) J

And now, back to the main topic.

And now has come the hard part. College years lie ahead of us, the new stage of life where we all have to grow up; which we will, maybe slowly, but surely; and we won’t be with each other in person for the days of this stage. But we still have our phones, and skype, and most of all, we have our memories. Whenever things get tough, I’ll remember the ‘good old days’, and when things get bad, I know she’ll be there, just a call away, and I just want to let her know, that I’ll be there for her too, just a call away.

Now as I prepare to step into the ‘big bad’ world, I just want to tell her this, “Even as I prepare for this new stage in life, as I try and prepare for the strange new places I’m headed for, I know that no matter what happens, I had a wonderful, amazing time with you, and I have beautiful memories to make me smile whenever I’m feeling low.
                                “But most importantly… I know that there’s more to come”

Te Valde Amo,
Sonakshi, mi Sihaya

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