Sunday, July 17, 2011

Another day gone by

 Time….Another day gone by, and it’s a little too late at night, maybe some pointless minutes after  1:00, and I still am not close to sleeping. Wrapping the shawl tighter around me I walk to the window of this 10th floor apartment. Looking outside and staring at the starry city lights I wonder how impossibly peaceful a dreary wild city can feel night, allowing myself to drown ….to feel lost in the eerily comforting silence that surrounds me like a cocoon, keeping me safe from the daunting chill (of the world) outside,I wonder how  many souls like me must be up at this hour of night. Some for work, for studying, maybe some lost in memories.

Entwined….she is now beginning to understand the phrase “standing alone in a crowd” how lonesome a person can feel even when surrounded by a crowd, the significance of that one person in your life whose presence can make the whole world feel bleak and needless. Their light that can fill up every nook every cranny, every deep dark corner of your heart, (and is lost without it…..  Loneliness gnaws) the very presence…charisma about them that can make you forget EVERY single thought, every pain.

Appalling… but this is reality! I sigh, a deep sigh and rest my hands on the icy window sill, closing my eyes I lean my forehead on the glass, very noticeable against my warm skin and oddly soothing again. Why?
And then she feels his hands, gently and slowly advance on her waist. Him? How??...she holds her breath feeling  his touch ,his caressing fingers  almost  tickling, and keeps her eyes tightly shut, afraid the moment will pass, taking him away……. again.

Magical….But, he felt so near and yet, she lifted her head off the sill, still keeping her eyes closed, and felt his warmth… her hands found his ,so he was real, shatteringly real... turning around keeping his hold she put her head to his cheeks, she finally took a breath,  he smelled the same, intoxicating. She gently let her lips brush against his neck and said “hi”.
 “Hey love” he whispered back “ missing me?”
She smiled and replied impishly “of course not!”
He looked away from her eyes, taking in the beautiful city view and grinned, she smiled looking at him. She’d achieved her purpose. Her favorite heart-melting-éclair half grin was in front of her. She laid her head on his chest and wrapped her arms around him.

Orbit…..This was her world, the orbit was in place, EVERYTHING was in place… every little worry felt like it had dissolved in the wonderful warmth between them. Like slow swirling droplets of ink, every agonizing thought that was stealing her sleep (her beauty sleep! ;) had dissolved, well… at least for some time. This was her moment, their moment. Lost in his heartbeat, his warmth, his very presence she wondered if there was something called true happiness, this was it.
I lifted my head off the window sill. Smiling I opened my eyes, and looked at the shining city lights. Unwrapping my hands out of my self-hug, and I drew a little smiley on the moisture on the window’s glass. ……
Walking to her bed she blows out a goodnight kiss for her love imagining how peaceful he must be looking as he slept, hundreds of miles away and yet so close, close to her heart. Laying her head on the pillow and curling up on her side with her quilt, her hand reaches up to touch her pendent, a heart. Wondering how amazing it is, the thousand miles, the distance didn’t really matter; he still could make her smile, really smile, believe …and feel the same happiness, the same bliss of their magical love that was growing stronger each passing day.  
Ps:  Sihaya and I…miss you lots!:)

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