Saturday, November 6, 2010

Painting a picture...

It began on one cold winter night,
First touch, first sight,
Something was about, to change my life..
Friends once before,
Neither remembered much more,
Through the passage of time each had forgotten.

So first touch, first sight,
First meeting, just two strangers in the night.

A new day, new light,
Shining on a friendship so bright,
Forged anew, sparkling with the future's promising dew,
A creation that was more than met the eye...
Little did i know,
Where it would go,
This friendship so bright,
Brought from the past, made to last.

A new day, new light,
New hopes for a future so bright.

Like a thief in the night,
Like the cool breeze and its playful bite,
Refreshing and relaxing, it swept in,
The seed of that which would change my life...
The friendship so true,
Was to be strengthened through,
The flower, the tree that grew that night.

Agents of change, swept quietly in, like,
Thieves running their errands on that dark night.

The seed took root, as above grew its  shoot,
Laden with the buds and  the fruit,
Of sudden change, by which my life was swept through.
Then came the flowers in full bloom,
Never to wilt and so soon,
Came forth the truth, that the friendship was but a veil,
Covering an unknown entity, as it lay in wait.

Waiting for the tree to strengthen its root,
Waiting for the right time to deliver, its ever ripening fruit. 

Veils and disguises peeled,
That which lay dormant, now wakened and revealed,
And the friendship the gave way to,
That agent of change, lighting up my life.
So once again on a winter night,
We met, but no longer strangers in the night,
Once again the experience, first touch, first sight,
Love for each other evident in our eyes,
Standing there in the white moonlight,
A beautiful picture,
My Sihaya and I...


  1. <3...lovely....its beautiful and magical..wrote it last night?
    ps: sihaya says she loves u...

  2. hmm.. tell sihaya that ak loves her too...<3 :)
