Friday, December 10, 2010

Waiting... (thats the name of the tune)

This is a tune i composed... there are a few distractions in between.. but other wise i think this video should be ok.. enjoy! :)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Let her out...

Its been a long day now,
And facing the world,You've been through so much,
But its time to rest now.

And Now,

As I see you frown,
I can see that you've been, thinking alot,
And its starting to weigh you down.

And from behind your mask,
So serious as you start, yet another task,
I see something shine out bright,
Something that you thought, had gone for good,
But is just waiting for you to find,
Itching to once again, feel the sunlight.

So, I say,

Put away your mask for now,
Forget about all else and allow,
Your barriers to drop down,
And let out,

That little girl I see inside,
Longing to come out,
To laugh and smile,
To dance and play,
In the sunshine,
So just, let her out now...

From behind your barriers,
Of being grown-up, and being brave,
Of trying to face and fight off the pain,
Trying to be perfect in everyway,
That the world seems to want today,
I can see her smile wistfully,

At me,
And i can see,
That all she wants
Is a little time,
To ignore the world,
And, Be happy again.

So just,
Let her out,
Let her be free,
for a bit.
I want to, see her,
Make  you, smile,
And make you, forget,
All your, worries,
For a while.

So, let out...

That little girl I see inside,
Longing to come out,
To laugh and smile,
To dance and play,

In the sunshine,
So just, let her out now...

Even if life is harsh at times, to you,
Just, know this to be true,
That little girl you loved be,
Never went away...

Just look hard and you'll see,
She's always there,with every heart beat,
So just let her out, join her,
And play,
At least for a little bit,

oh... for a little bit... today..
forget about work... ...and play...

Just listen and...

Put away your mask for now,
Forget about all else and allow,
Your barriers to drop down,
And let out,
That little girl I see inside,
Longing to come out,
To laugh and smile,
To dance and play,

In the sunshine,
So just, let her out now...

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Many people believe that silence is a void that needs to be filled , just an uncomfortable emptiness in conversations. She had experienced enough of that in parties and places she’d been to. Talk , fake a smile ,talk more, fake more  smiles and so on….
Her favorite moments were when she could slip away unobserved  from all the noise and clatter and spend time by herself in a secluded place outside, staring at the still sky and twinkling stars or listen to birds, the rustling and twirling winds. and treasured those times when she could just be.
That exotic evening she felt comfort in their silence. The feeling returned on the road as she walked with him, watching the golden streetlights,  light seeping out through the leaves of trees, swirling shadows ,moving and shifting ,taking almost unrecognizable shapes and eventually disappearing from sight. listening to the sounds around, there was music in their footsteps ,rhythm in his breath , everything seemed to go with the flow, their silence was more musical than any song she’d ever heard. Embracing the comfort , the gentle caressing wind burnishing her face, the bracing chill in the air ,she looked into his eyes knowing they were fixed upon her, feeling her heart skip a beat, she felt amazed to see such softness and love in his gaze.  She had not expected him to hold her gaze, but he didn’t look away .she smiled as they looked away after a moment, absorbing everything around them that wonderful night. He seemed to be doing the same, and somehow realized talking now would somehow ruin it all.
Every night they walked together was magical, talking ,laughing or maybe just listening to music holding hands, she felt more certain with every step that she wanted to spend more time with him, know him, be there when he needs her, and if possible love him more than she already did………..their story, it goes on…...because true love does not have endings.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

(never wanna get) Over You

So soon it finally came,
That day, that dreaded date,
When you and i,
Had to go our separate ways.

How i wish that we could hold on,
Stay together a little while longer,
But now the time has come,
To say good bye to you.

And I know that we promised, to stay in touch with each other,
And i know we promised never, to let these memories fade.

But maybe,
One day some time from now, you'll,
Have to put me out of your mind,
And, maybe, that one day you'll move on...

But i, gotta ask myself if i, will ever,
Be able to leave this behind me,
And a voice in my head says no,
These memories will stay with me, so,

A your eyes, your beautiful smile,
As your, sweet laugh pass through my mind,
I realise, that its gonna be hard for me,
To get over you...
Over you...

And now its been so long,
And I wonder how i go on,
As i spend the night,
with dreams and memories of you.

And now I,
Live holding on to the,
Hope that we'll meet once more,
So that we can,
Be together again.

And I know that its been so long since we saw each other,
But I promise I'll never give up on our love

But i, gotta ask myself if i, will ever,
Be able to leave this behind me,
And a voice in my head says no,
These memories will stay with me, so,

A your eyes, your beautiful smile,
As your, sweet laugh pass through my mind,
I realise, that its gonna be hard for me,
To get over you...
Never wanna get over you...

Monday, November 8, 2010

Need You To Stay..........

its been a while,
Since you’ve said goodnight,
But now im staring at the walls,
dreaming of your eyes,

I want to call, but then I stall,
Cause im not sure what ill say,
Please don’t go baby..
I need you to stay…

Could walk for miles,
In chilly winter nights,
Just to be with you, your smiles,

But now im staring at the walls,
Dreaming you beside,
Yeah…feelin you….
just don’t go baby,
I need you to stay,

Im a mess,
Im tangled up inside,
Feeling  small,
 I keep staring at these walls,
Hoping  you
Think of me too…

I keep staring at the walls,
spending all my time ……
dreaming of  your eyes
wishing you were here

don’t go baby,
I need you to stay ….
Needed some more time..
Needed you to stay…


Sunday, November 7, 2010

That Winter Dream......

The cold wind blows,
He holds me close,
We stand in silence,
Holy  and  pure,
It’s a winter night,
A beautiful sight,
The starry skies,
A lonely blue moon,
With its mystic light;

The cold wind blows,
He holds me close,
We stand in silence,
Holy  and  pure,
I meet his eyes,
Deep loving eyes,
Memories they hold,
Thoughts of which,
Warm my core……

The cold wind blows,
He holds me close,
We stand in silence,
Holy  and  pure,
I shiver with cold,
He holds me tight,
Feeling his warmth,
I lay my head ,on
his chest, hear his heartbeat,
music  to  my soul;

The cold wind blows,
He holds me close,
We stand in silence,
Holy and pure,
hear the ocean waves,
gently lapping its shore,
its time to leave,
but I wish for more,
wish he’d never let me go;

The cold wind blows,
He holds me close,
We stand in silence,
Holy  and  pure,
Don’t go ,don’t leave,
You promised you’ll stay,
For forever and more…
Don’t leave me, love
I’ll die in this cold alone…

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Painting a picture...

It began on one cold winter night,
First touch, first sight,
Something was about, to change my life..
Friends once before,
Neither remembered much more,
Through the passage of time each had forgotten.

So first touch, first sight,
First meeting, just two strangers in the night.

A new day, new light,
Shining on a friendship so bright,
Forged anew, sparkling with the future's promising dew,
A creation that was more than met the eye...
Little did i know,
Where it would go,
This friendship so bright,
Brought from the past, made to last.

A new day, new light,
New hopes for a future so bright.

Like a thief in the night,
Like the cool breeze and its playful bite,
Refreshing and relaxing, it swept in,
The seed of that which would change my life...
The friendship so true,
Was to be strengthened through,
The flower, the tree that grew that night.

Agents of change, swept quietly in, like,
Thieves running their errands on that dark night.

The seed took root, as above grew its  shoot,
Laden with the buds and  the fruit,
Of sudden change, by which my life was swept through.
Then came the flowers in full bloom,
Never to wilt and so soon,
Came forth the truth, that the friendship was but a veil,
Covering an unknown entity, as it lay in wait.

Waiting for the tree to strengthen its root,
Waiting for the right time to deliver, its ever ripening fruit. 

Veils and disguises peeled,
That which lay dormant, now wakened and revealed,
And the friendship the gave way to,
That agent of change, lighting up my life.
So once again on a winter night,
We met, but no longer strangers in the night,
Once again the experience, first touch, first sight,
Love for each other evident in our eyes,
Standing there in the white moonlight,
A beautiful picture,
My Sihaya and I...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Happy diwali,love........

With the gleaming diyas lit,
its time for lots of joy,
have fun as we see the rockets fly,
listen to the echo of chants,
and dazzling fuljhari crackles ,
,as they make your eyes sparkle,
see the splendid rangoli colors,
with beauty a  million worth,
it seems such a happy day on earth,
and the atmosphere is filled,
with happiness and mirth;
there’s something missing,
the moon for the stars,
and you for me…
I wish I could see,
Your enchanting smile,
And  your loving eyes,
Feel you beside me, caus
This day will seem, so
incomplete,without you here tonight,
but even if we be miles away,
I can feel that warmth,
Of our love in me ,
so sending Some of it,
with this magical diwali wish hoping
this divine festival of lights,
makes all your wishes come true,
and brings your way,
bright sparkles of contentment,
that stay, with you through
the happy and blissful days ahead….

Defining it

So little, yet so much,
So clear, yet so obscured.
Understood and felt yet never defined,
Its wild and uncharted, yet feels so refined.

So little, yet so much,
So clear, yet so obscured.
Its an entire world explored without fear,
Yet its maps are never clear.

So little, yet so much,
So clear yet so obscured.
It can pain like a wound, yet never needs a cure,
It radiates joy, makes you feel warm to the core.
Soothes the mind, like the waves at a shore,
Its makes life easier by so much more.

Its so little, yet so much,
So clear yet so obscured.
Its effects are strange and not fully explored,
Its a weight, but one that when piles up, lightens your load.

So little, yet so much,
So clear, yet so obscured.
Its a cozy blanket wrapping you in its fold,
Its comfort and warmth during winters cold.

So little, yet so much more,
So clear, yet so obscured.
Some may call it a madness with a sweet lure,
But if it is, i never want it cured

So little , yet so much more.
So clear yet so obscured.
Felt so clearly, yet can't be explained, or to others told.
Its a wonderful sight, true beauty to behold.

Discovering it, discovering love.. :)

What is it? That mysterious feeling, the one that everyone talks about so often, yet can never explain. What defines it? How can you tell from any other feeling or emotion?

Well no answer is usually the answer to these questions, and if any try to explain, they invariably fail. After all, it is not something that can be neatly, scientifically defined with various labels or assigned any symptoms, for everyone one has a different approach to it, each persons path follows a different set of directions and crosses different trails en route to this destination. For those who have known it, it is something very beautiful yet, like the best pieces of abstract art, undefined, imparting different impressions and meanings to everyone, and thus it is something to be experienced, to be felt and enjoyed, but never defined. But for those who haven't experienced it yet, it is a mysterious puzzle, a riddle with no apparent answer, and thus it was with me.

All the while I searched for something like, i found nothing. Hunting high and low in vain, trying to define it, to give it a shape and forcing my expectations on to it. Questioning every thought and feeling to see if it had finally arrived. I was searching so hard for it, too hard in fact, and so it never came. All that i saw were mere mirages of that which was promised, teasing me from afar.

Frustrated, i finally gave up searching, i gave it up as something incomprehensible and absurd, something existing only for dreamers, forgetting that while part of me was a sharp thinking rationalist, a part was a dreamer. I went about scorning all those who wandered mooning about it a hopeless romanticists, not knowing the romantic that lay slumbering within.

And ironically, the minute i gave up searching for it, it began its approach. The very instant i gave up on it, it entered my life, quietly like a thief in the night, gently like the cool morning breeze, riding within the Trojan horse of a friendship, that was destined to be something more, it penetrated my defenses, the walls i had set up, breaking through and gently awakening all that lay hidden within. It opened me up to something different, new, something unexpected and wonderful. There was no fan-fare, no drums and trumpets no waving banner, just an unexplained warmth and quiet smiles, and i realised that it had finally arrived.

It was all that i expected yet more than I'd have ever thought. It was all i had imagined and yet so much more that even imagination couldn't cover it all. Of course one thing is for sure, while i feel it, i still can't explain it. Its the way i can't keep my eyes off hers, the way i mean it with all my heart when i tell her that i love her. Its like the rush of heart when i feel her warm breath on my ears as she whispers those three words to me, the warmth that surges through me when i touch her hand, the sincerity with which i tell her that she's beautiful. The way way I accept her for who she is and she accepts me, it shows up in how even when she annoys me, i can't help but feel that happy glow. It comes to me as that feeling of comfort and safety, the feeling that everything will be alright when she wraps me in her warm caring embrace.

Its so little, and yet so much. It appears so clear and yet so obscured. It can happen anytime, anywhere, can take any form. For me its blossomed in those tender words, that warm touch and that loving embrace.
