Friday, April 5, 2013

To My Co-Author READ. URGENT. :P


Long time no see and I know this post is gonna be read AGES from the day I post this (assuming it is read at all), but hey, at least there's a chance you'll read it.

Well, seeing that we're not together anymore... I think a few things needed a little changing. Firstly, I know this blog was supposed to be a joint venture, but with me writing sparingly, and then also writing pseudo philosophical, serious or satirical posts which have no space on a blog of the kind this was meant to be I'm not sure my continued existence on the blog will add any value,. Secondly, since the idea for this blog started with you, and you have more potential for writing the kinda stuff we used to post than me, I thought I'd hand this blog over to you now. Let you handle it, and if the mysterious Mr.  X is of the writing type, maybe he could be your new co-author... or you could save the blog as it is for those moments when you feel like indulging in a little nostalgia (an unlikely prospect).

Basically what I'm asking you to do is change the password, I can;t change the email id name, that's fixed, but the author's name, the posts etc. are all in your power to change. So, basically, I'm stepping back and leaving the blog in your charge (in other words, I'm being a lazy, slothful idiot :P ).

Take care, and happy blogging.

Signing off for the last time on this blog:
The Paagal Topi :P